Subject: Mandatory COVID 19 rapid test in schools
Dear Sir / Madam,
On December 1, the lower house of parliament passed a motion to use rapid tests in schools. This motion is in violation of the rights of people as mentioned in the Dutch Constitution, European and International treaties.
To begin with, this motion to test children is in violation of the Dutch constitution article 11, 'Untouchability of the body', which states that “Everyone has the right to inviolability of his body, subject to restrictions imposed by or pursuant to the law. ” This means that everyone is in charge of their own body and that no one should harm you that you don't want.
In addition, this motion is in violation of the Medical Treatment Contracts Act (WGBO), which states that a doctor may not treat anyone without explicit permission.
Mandatory rapid tests for students thus violate the integrity of the body and are in violation of our Constitution and European treaties:
UN Article 3 - Human Dignity and Human Rights:
o Human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms must
are fully respected.
o The interests and well-being of the individual must take precedence over it
any interest of science or society
UN Article 28 - Refusal of acts contrary to human rights, the
fundamental freedoms and human dignity:
o Nothing in this statement should be construed as implying any
state, group or person any claim to participate in an activity or to perform an act that is contrary to human rights, fundamental freedoms and human dignity.
UN Article 6 - Consent:
o any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is allowed alone
are carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. Consent should be express, where appropriate, and capable of being withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without prejudice or prejudice.
Based on the foregoing, it is abundantly clear that a child is NOT able to consent to a medical act such as a rapid test and to protect the inviolability of his body.
Finally, I would like to refer to the Nuremberg Code, which contains a set of 10 ethical principles. The most important and first point is, the voluntary consent of the individual is absolutely essential. "The duty and responsibility for determining the quality of consent rests with every person who initiates, directs or is conducting the experiment."
As a school principal, you have a personal duty and responsibility to determine the quality of consent in initiating, directing or conducting test sessions at your school.
This means that you are personally responsible if a rapid test adversely affects children who are tested without the explicit, voluntary and informed consent of their parents.
In view of the foregoing, in my opinion it goes without saying that I, as a parent of [name of child], expressly do not give permission for my child to be tested and / or vaccinated against COVID 19. If you confirm the presence of my child during a rapid test session, or vaccination session as consent, you are in violation and you are held personally responsible. After receiving this letter, you cannot therefore invoke a lack of knowledge.
If you were to decide that untested children would no longer be welcome at school, then I must point out that you are discriminating and you are acting in violation of Article 1 of the constitution.
Article 1 of the Constitution:
o All who are in the Netherlands become equal in equal cases
treated. Discrimination on the grounds of religion, belief, political opinion, race, gender or on any other ground is not allowed
For the time being, I assume that [name of child] is welcome at school. If the school decides that [name of child] is no longer welcome because [name of child] is not being tested, then I have no other option to bring legal proceedings against you.
I would like to receive a substantive response within 14 days of this date. Pending, while preserving all rights,
Yours sincerely,